Planning Your Funeral
I can help you organise your funeral and have a number of plans available to suit everyone. Funerals are a very deep and personal affair and you know what you want to happen. Below are a few questions I usually get asked, but if you want to know more give me a call or send me a message using the form below.
+What Is A Funeral Plan
A Funeral Plan is a means by which to protect your family against rising funeral costs, and to eliminate any uncertainty or indecision regarding what your preferred funeral arrangements should include.
The passing of a loved-one is obviously a very daunting and emotional time for family and friends. For those responsible for arranging and paying for the funeral, discovering their loved-one had the foresight to take out a Funeral Plan goes an enormous way towards alleviating their sense of pain and distress.
+ How much does a Funeral Plan cost?
You have the choice of either paying a lump sum or monthly instalments, usually over two to twenty five years. One-off payments usually range between £1,000 and £5,000.
+ Is my money safe in a Funeral Plan?
To safeguard your plan, your provider will either place it in a trust fund or invest it in an insurance policy that pays out when you die. The Financial Conduct Authority doesn’t directly regulate Funeral Plans, but it does have rules to safeguard your money if it is placed in a trust or invested in an insurance policy.
There is a professional body for providers called the Funeral Planning Authority (FPA), which has a code of conduct that all of its members must comply with. As part of the code, the FPA’s members and the FPA itself pledge that if a provider goes bust they will look into paying for funerals that are covered by Funeral Plans.
+ Can I choose a cremation or a burial?
Yes, all of our pre-paid Funeral Plans allow you to stipulate whether you would like to be buried or cremated. If you wish to be buried, you can make an allowance towards your burial plot or speak to our customer services team and we will help you with the process.
+ Can I choose which funeral director will conduct the service?
Yes, you can nominate which funeral director you wish to use. When the time comes, we then contact them first to carry out the services. Please note, we cannot always guarantee that the funeral director will accept the booking. In these circumstances, we will appoint a funeral director local to you, from our panel of providers.
+ Do I need a medical exam to take out a pre-paid Funeral Plan?
No, the plan is based on the inevitable, and as long as the minimum premium has been paid, the plan will initiate.
+ Can I buy a pre-paid Funeral Plan for someone else?
Yes, you can buy a Funeral Plan on behalf of anyone you choose. Just let me know who its for and I will sort the rest.
Its not uncommon forchildren to buy plans for their parents, this is usually done to ensure everything is taken care of when they are at their most vulnerble.