Our Services

Will Writing Service


Everyone needs a Will, even if you think your estate is simple it still makes sense to have a Will so your loved ones, who you leave behind, know what your wishes are and who you want to receive your assets. If you die without a Will the Laws of Intestacy will apply and these laws determine who gets your estate and that may not be who you want it to be.


Mirror Wills with Property Protection Trust.

A Property Protection Trust written into a Mirror Will can protect your respective shares of your property from care fees, remarriage and various other threats to your estate.

Funeral Plans

Lifetime Trusts.

Placing your assets into a Trust whilst you are alive can be tax efficient and can protect them against external financial pressure but these types of Trust must be written for legitimate reasons. Contrary to the marketing of some Estate Planning firms they CANNOT be used to protect your home against care fees or Inheritance Tax!


Lasting Powers of Attorney

An incredibly important legal deed that allows your chosen attorneys to make decisions regarding your Finances and your Health if you are unable to.

Probate Services


Many people don’t realise the complexity of sorting through an estate and sorting out the tax and legal matters that accompany the responsibility. Many young families left with the task after a parent passes away may not be equipped with time or experience to do it effectively. Ask me about probate and what options are available to help.